S K I N! It’s the largest organ of the body and one of the most important. It protects our internal organs, our muscles, our tissues and our bones from any and everything that may come our way. Yes we might get a bump, bruise or bleed, but at the end of the day our skin is still there for us. Holding us down. Literally. Haha That’s why skincare is so important. Although our skin cells regenerate so rapidly, it is very important that we do our part in helping with the foods we eat, as well as the products that we put on our bodies. That’s where Aulesha comes in.
A quick background about our relationship: She makes sure that the majority of her photography needs are satisfied by me even with such great distance between us. With her being one of my VERY first clients when I lived in the Midwest, I was ecstatic to learn that she started her very own Vegan skincare line! Now I’m not vegan, but I do my best to make sure everything I put in and on my body is all-natural. Plus, it’s something about things that are made for us BY US!
Meet Aulesha of NaturaLee’s Cosmetics
What inspired you to start your skincare business?
Well, it started with eczema issues! I’ve had them my entire life and I could never control it. Even the creams the doctors prescribed me didn’t work! And the older I got the more it seemed to spread. So I had decided to start making my own creams. One of my children, my youngest daughter, had eczema really bad! Every little thing made her skin breakout. So that’s when I started to take this VERY seriously. I started by making soaps for sensitive skin and also to help with eczema. Once my friends and family saw what I was using for my family’s skin they started to ask me to some. And that’s when I decided I wanted to sell the products to help people that are going through the same problems as me. It became my passion to find things to help with people's skin conditions. I love being able to help people feel confident about themselves.
How long have you been in business?
NaturaLee’s debut was June 1st, 2020 and we’re on the up and up!
What makes you stand apart from other skincare lines?
It’s personal for me. I make everything with my own two hands in my apartment kitchen. So I feel there’s a lot of love that goes into my products.
How do you establish trust with your clients?
I use all my own products, so I’m able to give advice based on my own experience. I’m very transparent about everything I’m doing. I show before and afters. I share when people have “issues” when using my products and give solutions. Most of the time, it’s just that your skin has to get used to it and in order to do so, it has to cleanse which can cause redness, etc.
If you had one piece of advice to someone wanting to start a business, what would it be?
Don’t let someone selling and doing the same exact thing as you stop you! It’s a million companies that sell cars, a million companies that sell bread, and a trillion hair companies! Don’t look at other companies’ success and get discouraged!! Get striving!! Your time will come if you are passionate about what you are doing.️
How can we find your shop?
Online at NaturaleesCosmetics.com
Facebook: NaturaLee’s Cosmetics Instagram: @NaturaLeesCosmetics